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Hypnotherapy for Professional Performance Enhancement

Hypnotherapy for business success

We can help you transform your professional performance

Targeted Hypnotherapy specialises in professional performance enhancement.

Click here to watch our short video on Professional Performance Enhancement that explains why, for the professional, this might just be the most important professional development and improvement move of your career.

We will design a Professional Performance Enhancement program, just for you, that utilises clinical hypnotherapy to optimise your performance and help you achieve the changes and improvements you desire.  That might mean dialing down whatever undesirable habits, patterns, processes of thinking and behavior that you wish. Alternatively, it might mean dialing up things you wish you were better at and adding new skills.

It will help you thrive and excel in your personal and professional life…in a way that no self-help book or course alone ever could.

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How would you know if you need it?

Perhaps you’ve already experienced that telling moment? The one where you look in the mirror and with brief but crystal clarity, recognize that you’re driving with the handbrake on.  That you have become your own rate limiting step.

That moment of honest internal reflection when you realize “it’s not the world that’s the problem; not that problem person or this damned job …it’s me”?

Maybe you’ve recognised that those “reasons” you’ve been using to rationalize problem or task avoidance; or indeed explain away important failures in your life, are just excuses. Possibly a way of avoiding admitting, even to yourself, that it’s something deeper.

You might simply be you have found yourself needing help with crisper focus and concentration; better prioritisation and decision making.  Maybe you’re in job burnout with fading motivation or facing job uncertainty?

Performance pressure might be building and finding your goals and objectives overwhelming?

It could be as simple as chronic procrastination and sagging motivation.

It might be something else…that fear of dealing with senior or unfamiliar people.

Perhaps it’s that you’re terrified of public speaking, presentations or those times when you need to perform…in the spotlight?

Maybe it’s simply an inability to politely say no, or enough, to excessive workloads or unreasonable expectations…even though deep down you’re stressing; that you know deep down you get what you tolerate…

Maybe this is only a part of the problem. Maybe you’re starting to rely on smoking, alcohol, drugs or something else to get you through.  Do you have problems sleeping? Maybe its effecting your fitness and health, your weight, your relationships.  Where will that end?

The question is, will you just battle on and hope for the best and that no-one notices, or do something about it?  Is just going about your life feeling stressed, anxious and quietly miserable really an option?  It doesn’t have to be.

Imagine this…  What if…you access your mind’s control panel, able to dial up or dial down some trait or perceptional, some feeling or fear, or access some skill-set at will.  What would change in your life?

We can help you achieve that, quickly and effectively, and in ways that you simply can’t achieve just by reading a self help book or attending a course.  That, in essence, is professional enhancement.

Our credentials in providing this unique service.

Targeted Hypnotherapy specialises in Professional Performance Enhancement as a core competency.  Paul Mullins our Principle Clinician brings a unique blend of professional and therapeutic skills, approaches and techniques to the task. A fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist, he has also lead and coached individuals and national business teams for many years.  He has worked as a multi award winning and highly successful executive within the corporate sector, accountable for huge personal and team targets and performance objectives.

Paul is not a psychology theorist trying his best to empathise with what you’re going through. He’s a successful executive in his own right. He has first hand expertise. He understands what it takes to thrive as a high performance professional and executive. He’ll work with you, 1:1 to understand your problem and needs in real and practical terms, then apply a tailored blend of strategically directed clinical hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy to achieve the best possible results for you.

He can help you change the way you feel, think and operate. To dial down your tendencies to worry, get angry, self doubt or unnecessarily stress. To dial up your energy, motivation, focus and confidence. And importantly, to deal with destructive underlying patterns such as anxiety, phobias and addictions.

In today’s competitive world, can you afford not to be at your best? It’s time for you to act.

You know deep down you’re ready for change. For that attitude tune-up. To re-hone your edge and to blow away those old habits, perceptions and boundaries that have been holding you back.

The success rate for clinical hypnotherapy as a way to handle such problems is excellent.  Our methods are well proven, safe and effective.

If you think about it, it starts and ends there.  How you think and operate internally are in fact the only things in this life we can truly control. Our therapeutic approach can literally transform your professional effectiveness, your relationships, your health and your quality of life.

No, we won’t spend months discussing and admiring your problem.  This therapy is about focused treatment, towards real outcomes and sustainable, positive change. The process will take weeks, not months or years.

Watch Our Short Video on Professional Performance Enhancement

You’re ready to act. Come on. Contact us, right now.

Click here to learn more about Clinical Hypnotherapy, and or how Targeted Hypnotherapy Operates.


To arrange a consultation send us a message.

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